Money lenders are people or institutions that lend money. They lend money to people who are in need of capital and charge interest in return. Interest is the profit they make on the sum they lend. People can generally borrow money in two ways. They can approach the bank for it; the process is tedious unless you have an exceptional credit score, if that’s the case banks will give you a loan by serving it on a platter. The other way is to approach a private money lender such as money lender toa payoh central ; the process is less tedious and difficult than the bank.
Banks are money lending institutions. They are a kind of money lenders but when it comes to the term itself, more often than not it means a private money lender. The difference between a bank and a money lender is that the latter charges high interest. Whereas the rates of the former are decided by the government.
The following are some good features of a money lender.
They lend money based on credit score and credit history
A good money lender will always assess the risk involved in the transaction. The credit score and history of an individual tells a lot about his ability to pay back. A good credit score makes you a good candidate for a loan. Therefore, credit score will be a priority for lending money for a good money lender.
They are professional and do not push loans on the face
Good money lenders are professional. After all, lending money is kind of a service. There are people who try to push loans on the face of the people by constantly texting them, calling them or knocking on doors. Good lenders refrain from such activities, they advertise their service and attract people who actually need money.
Good money lenders are safe to work with
Another feature of a good money lender is that they are safe to work with. People desperate for money often end up with wrong people and bad deals. Such lenders are dangerous to work with. Good money lenders have a decorum and they follow a protocol.
The features of a good money lender is that they keep credit score and credit history a priority. They are professionals and do not push loans down people’s throats. And lastly, good money lenders follow a protocol and maintain decorum.